Monday, January 11, 2010

Laundry Soap

I am becoming very domesticated again. I realized lately how much I have missed making things homemade. There is such a sense of pride and accomplishment knowing that one can be self-sufficient. I decided to try my hand at making my own laundry soap. It didn't turn out quite how I had hoped, but have been reassured that it will be fine to use. I will have to experiment with a different bar soaps. James's cousin Jenn makes her own laundry soap and loves it. I will post the recipe here, but you might want to take a look at her blog as she gives some really good suggestions. Leave lots of comments for her so that she will start blogging again and we can all bask in her wisdom.

Laundry Soap Recipe:

1 quart (4 C.) water
2 C. grated bar soap (like Fels Naptha, NOT Dove)
2 C. Borax
2 C. Washing Soda

*You will need a pretty big pan.
*Bring water to a boil.
*Add finely grated bar soap. Stir until bar soap is melted. You can leave the stove burner on low if you want while the soap is melting. Shut heat off completely.
*Add Borax and Washing Soda. Stir until all is dissolved. Or at least pretty close.
*Add 2 gallons of water, stir until well mixed. In my experience it works better to add hot water rather than cold. Hot water from the tap works well for me.
*When cooled you can add some of your favorite essential oils.
*Put into final, covered, container.
*Use between 1/4 and 1/2 cup per load depending on how dirty your laundry is.
*Have fun!
I used tea tree oil and it smells incredible. I made half of this recipe and have enough laundry soap to last us at least a month and only spent $4-50. Good luck and let me know if decide to give it a try.

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